Beloved cat and owner reunited after nine months
A Bournemouth cat who went missing for nine months has returned home to his delighted owners, thanks to his microchip.
Cat behaviour: Male vs Female cats
Is your cat's behaviour ruled by their gender? Our vets tackle some myths about our feline friends.
Weird things rabbits do
Our bunnies can bemuse us with their strange behaviour. Our vets answer 7 common questions about the odd things our furry friends do:
Weird things dogs do
Have you noticed your dog doing something strange? Our vets answer 7 common questions about man's best friends' strange behaviours:
What to do if you find sick or injured wildlife
If you come across a sick or injured wild animal, it can be hard to know what to do. We've put together some advice on how to handle injured wildlife.
Healthy puppy and dogs
Prevention is better than cure – discover the simple steps you can take to keep your dog’s health in check.
Cat health
When it comes to your cat’s health, prevention is better than cure. Take these simple steps to keep your cat’s health on track.
A Guide to the Right Dog Diet and Health Tips
Discover the importance of a balanced diet to improve your dog’s well-being and happiness. Learn about balanced meals, alternative diets, and more - check out our guide.
The benefits of owning a pet
If you own a pet we don’t need to tell you how they can brighten your day at the wag of a tail. But did you know that lots of scientific studies have also shown that owning a pet can be good for your physical and mental health?
Dog laws for owners
There are lots of laws and legislation you need to be clued up on if you own a dog – read our list of some of the most important laws every owner should know.