Weird things dogs do
Have you noticed your dog doing something strange?
Our dogs can keep us guessing with some of the things they do. Our vets answer 7 common questions about man's best friends' strange behaviours:

‘Why is my dog rubbing his bum on the floor?’
‘Bum scooting’ is a sign that your dog’s feeling itchy and uncomfortable. It could be because your dog has worms or full anal glands (a type of scent gland in your dog’s bottom.) But sometimes it can be a sign of something more serious, like a tumour. A trip to the vet will quickly get to the ‘bottom’ of the problem. You can read more about scooting on our PetWise Pet Health Hub.
‘Why does my dog insist on smelling other dog’s bums?’
It takes us humans a long time to find out about someone new but dogs can learn a lot with one sniff. Powerful scent glands in your dog’s bottom can give a new dog lots of information about them, like if they’re a boy or a girl, what they’ve been eating and how they’re feeling
‘Why do my dogs all sleep in a pile?’
This is a sign that your dogs feel bonded and part of a pack. Sleeping like this makes them all feel comfortable and safe. If your dog is the only hound in the house, you might notice them curling up close to you for the same feeling of security.

‘My dog’s been neutered…so why is she humping other dogs?’
‘Humping’ isn’t just about making puppies. It can also be a sign of excitement and it’s likely that your dog just wants to play. Neutering might not stop your dog from all types of ‘humping’ but there are loads of other ways it benefits your dog.
‘Why does my dog sing along to the TV?’
Have you noticed that your dog howls along to the theme music of a TV show? It’s probably not because his favourite show has come on but because of the frequency and pitch of the music. It’s just hitting his buttons!
‘Help! Why’s my dog eating poo?’
The thought of eating poo might turn our stomachs but dogs aren’t as fussed. To them, eating poo is a great way of getting extra nutrients that are missing from their day-to-day food. If your dog often eats poo, have a chat to your vet about it.
‘Why does my dog roll in fox poo?’
It’s natural instinct dogs to roll in fox poo. It probably comes from when they were wild animals and wanted to hide their own smell while they were hunting.
If your dog’s more of a fan of fox poo than you are, try washing your dog with a sensitive, dog-friendly shampoo. You could try our PDSA Vet Care shampoo.
Neutering your dog
Neutering your dog has many benefits. Read out vets' advice on what neutering can do for your pet.
read moreWhy does my dog eat weird things
As a dog owner, you know that dogs have a tendency to eat weird things. Our vets' explain this strange behaviour.
Grooming your dog
Grooming your dog doesn't just keep their coat nice and neat, it also gives you a chance to check them over for signs of illness or injury.
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