Weird things rabbits do

Have you noticed your rabbits doing something strange?

Our bunnies can bemuse us with their strange behaviour. Our vets answer 7 common questions about the odd things our furry friends do:

'Why do my rabbits lick me?'

Does it seem like your rabbits are trying to clean you, just like they groom their bunny pals? That's exactly what they're doing! It's how they show their love and bond with you.

'One of my rabbits has started to scratch and bite me. Why?'

Your rabbit could be in pain or it could be their hormones creating the problem. A trip to your vet will rule out pain or illness and your vet can tell you more about how neutering could help.

Your rabbit could also be bored. A good sized run  with room for at least three hops and for your rabbits to stand up on their back legs – and plenty of toys will keep them busy.

Tips to stop bunny boredom.

'Why do my rabbits rub their chins on the furniture?'

Rabbits have scent glands under their chin and rub against things to mark it as theirs. If you notice your rabbit doing this, it's a sign they're making themselves at home!

'Help! My rabbits are eating their own poop!'

Don't worry if you spot your rabbit eating their own poo – it's perfectly natural and helps keep them healthy! They only eat a certain type of poo called a 'caecotroph'. This is a shiny, sticky dropping and is full of important nutrients. They often eat these straight from their bum.

About your rabbits diet


'Why do my rabbits thump their feet?'

It doesn't just happen in films – rabbits really do thump the ground with their feet. It's a way of communicating with the rabbits around them. Thumping could be a danger warning.


'One of my rabbits has started to walk around me and nibble my feet. What's going on?'

Your rabbit's flirting with you! They're probably feeling hormonal and sexually frustrated. It's time to take a trip to the vet to talk about neutering.

Neutering rabbits


'Why do my rabbits grunt at me?'

This is a warning from your rabbits. Maybe they're not happy to be picked up or they're feeling protective of their food. Have a think about what you're doing when your rabbits grunt at you and see if you can work out what they're trying to tell you.

How to hold a rabbit

Neutering your rabbit

Rabbits are social animals and should live in pairs. Neutering can help your rabbits live together happily.

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Holding your rabbit

Want to give your bunny a cuddle but are unsure on how to properly handle your pet? Read our vets' guide.

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Your rabbit's diet

Read our vets' guide on how to feed your rabbit the best diet to keep them happy and healthy.

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