Pet hair gets everywhere, we’ve all seen the memes. But believe it or not, there are things you can do to help reduce the amount of hair stuck to you and, well, everything else. We’re not saying this is going to leave you completely pet fur free because that’s an impossibility, but it’ll help.
Floors, furniture and clothes

Hoover regularly
One of the main areas owners find fur to be a problem is the carpet. Normally, if your pet’s fur is all over a hard floor it’s fairly easy just to sweep it up (ideally with a rubber broom). Not the case with carpet.
If you’ve got a pet with fur, likelihood is they shed. One of the main ways to keep on top of fur in the carpets is to hoover. A lot. Another option is to keep your pet out of rooms where they really don’t match the carpet – at least this way their fur won’t be so obvious! Try to give them a blanket or rug to sit on so they can shed on that until their heart’s content, but you can just roll it up when you have guests over.
Invest in some fur-busting tools
It’s best to invest in a hoover that is designed to pick up pet hair so you know it’s more likely to get it out of your carpet (there are loads on the market – read user reviews to find the best one for you). Some even have furniture attachments so you can hoover the sofa down, too.
You’ll definitely want some form of lint brush or roller for getting fur out of clothes. There are lots of different ones available – have a look on the packaging for one that’s good for getting rid of pet hair.
Rubber gloves and sponges
Rubber gloves are perfect for getting fur off clothes and furniture. Put on a rubber glove and dampen it a little with clean water, then brush your hand over whatever fabric you’re cleaning. The hair should come off the fabric and stick nicely to your gloves. This also might be a bit of a cheaper option compared to some rollers and fur removers.
Dry sponges are also great for getting pet fur off furniture, with the added advantage of being reusable! You might find it works better if you dampen it down a little, so make sure you dry it out properly between each use.
Use blankets and throws
Putting a blanket or throw on your sofa can help save it from the fur, and it’s much easier to pop one of these in the wash than clean your sofa. You can have specific blankets just for your pet. Keep in mind that cats prefer familiar smells, so it might be best to try and brush the fur off their blankets rather than wash them weekly.
If all else fails, use tape
It’s a bit time consuming because you’ll have to keep ripping off a new piece, but tape will pick up a lot of hair off clothes and furniture. If you don’t have anything else to hand, using a bit of sticky tape is a good last resort before you leave the house!
Your pet and their space

Clean their bedding
You can reduce the amount of fur around your home by regularly cleaning your pet’s bed. Washing their bedding once a week will help stop a build-up of fur from finding its way into other areas of your house. It’s also good for just keeping everything clean and tidy in general!
Brush your pet
Our pets shed pretty much all year round, but more so in spring and autumn. Invest in a good brush that’s appropriate for your pet (check out our website for more advice on grooming).
A daily brush should help if your pet needs it or has longer fur. It’s not going to solve the fur problem in your house, or stop your pet shedding, but it will definitely make the clean-up operation easier!
Some dogs will benefit from going to the groomers and getting their fur trimmed a couple of times a year. Only some breeds need this, though, so research your breed first.