How to take veterinary photos of your pet
Phone and video consultations are on the rise, and photos are becoming an important part of having an appointment with your vet. This page explains how to take useful pictures for your vet to look at.
First aid for bruises
How to treat your pet at home if they have a bruise.
Rabbit Vaccines
Vaccination is an important way of protecting your rabbits against some serious diseases. Read our vet's advice on rabbit vaccinations and how they work.
Cat and Kitten Vaccinations
Vaccination is an important way of protecting your cat against some serious diseases. Read our vet's advice on cat vaccines and how they work.
First aid for poisons and toxins
Many different house and garden items can be dangerous for pets. It can sometimes take hours or days for your pet to show signs of poisoning/toxicity.
First aid for burns
Always take your pet to your vet for a burn, no matter what size.
Severe pain in pets
If your pet is in pain, contact your vet, if they are in severe pain, take them straight to your vet. Severe pain often indicates a serious problem, even if it the cause isn’t obvious.
Vaccination reactions in pets
A vaccination, like any other medication, can sometimes cause side effects - fortunately, they are often mild and pass within a few days.
Lump monitoring chart
Don't ignore lumps on your pet! If your vet has advised monitoring your pet for lumps, use our lump monitoring chart to check existing lumps on your cat or dog.
Heatstroke in cats
Heatstroke is a very serious condition can cause severe dehydration, organ damage and death