Lump monitoring

It's important to have all new lumps examined by your vet. If your vet has asked you to monitor an existing lump, use this guide and one of our lump monitoring charts to help you spot any changes.

How to monitor a lump

  1. Regular checks: Check your dog/cat’s lump at least once a week.
  2. Take photos: Take photos of the lump from different angles.
  3. Measure it: Use a ruler to measure its length and width.
  4. Note details: Make notes about its shape, texture, colour, and whether the lump is painful/itchy or has any discharge.

When to contact your vet

It’s important to contact your vet if you notice your pet’s lump changing i.e. growing rapidly, changing in shape, colour, texture, or if it starts to bleed, discharge or cause them pain.

Published: Nov 2024

Written by vets and vet nurses. This advice is for UK pets only. Illustrations by Samantha Elmhurst.