English Angora
Angora rabbits are usually very sociable and good natured.
English Lop
English Lop rabbits are typically large and are normally placid and friendly.
English Spot
English Spot rabbits normally have friendly and inquisitive temperaments.
Flemish Giant
Flemish Giants live up to their name, being gentle giants.
French Lop
French Lops are known to be good-natured rabbits.
Himalayan rabbits are usually very calm and good natured rabbits.
Lionhead rabbits are usually quite small, timid and can be easily frightened.
Netherland Dwarf
Netherland Dwarf rabbits are generally timid and can be easily frightened.
The Rex rabbit is typically medium to large sized. They don’t require traditional grooming; if necessary their coat can be wiped over with a damp cloth to help keep it in top condition.
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