Top tips for creating an indoor pet paradise

by PDSA | 25 October

Struggling to keep your pet happy indoors? Read our vet-recommended solutions to keep your furry friend content.

Many pets enjoy exploring the great outdoors – but sometimes this isn’t always possible. If your furry friend is unwell, injured or recovering from an operation, it’s usually best to keep them inside and rested during their recovery. It may even be unsafe for them to walk outside with extreme hot and cold weather, storms or during firework season. For cats, sometimes our feline friends prefer the indoor life or aren’t able to venture outdoors for health reasons.

It’s important to note that whilst, with the right set up, cats can enjoy a solely indoors life, our doggy pals do require daily outdoor walks to satisfy both their physical and mental needs. So, for pooches, indoor only living should only be used in the short term!

The bond we share with our pets is special. Our beloved companions make us feel better when we’re feeling low, so we must ensure they’re happy and healthy too. There may be times when your pet can’t exercise as usual, or it’s safer for them to be indoors. Whether they're inside because of sickness or the weather’s turned for the worse, it's important to keep them stimulated both physically and mentally if you need to stay indoors.

Make sure your pet is happy and entertained with our vet-approved tips.


Create the right environment

Just like us, your pet needs a comfortable and safe environment inside to keep them happy. You’ll essentially need to make them an indoor pet paradise with all the essentials.

Your pet will need a safe space at your home to hide away in. This could be a crate, their bed or even a homemade den. Just make sure it’s in a quiet spot of the house and that your pet feels safe and secure.

For cats

Cats need:

  • Litter trays
  • Toys
  • Water bowls
  • Food bowls
  • A quiet sleeping area
  • Scratching posts
  • A high up area

Every cat needs one of these, plus an extra. Their litter tray should be away from their food and water, which should also be separate from each other. For more on the idea cat-friendly home, read our full guide here.

For dogs

Dogs need:

  • A comfy bed/den where they can take themselves off for a snooze.
  • Food bowl
  • Water bowls
  • Toys

If your pooch is indoors because of the elements, when you take them outside to go to the toilet, ensure that you safely shelter them from the extreme weather. To learn more about creating the ideal environment for your dog, read our full guide here.


Give them exercise

To keep your pet fit and healthy, you’ll need to ensure that they are doing plenty of exercise indoors. You may not be able to let your pets outside, but you can certainly keep them stimulated at home.

Encourage your pets to play with their toys. You could play tug of war with your dog or have your cat chase a wand. Just make sure that your furry friend is exercising so that they can keep healthy.

Make sure that you keep your pet stimulated physically and mentally. In the wild, a cat’s exercise tends to come from hunting, where they chase and pounce. The best way to keep them active is to recreate this by playing with them. Check out our PDSA Pet Store for vet-approved toys.

There are lots of exciting and enriching indoor games for your pet pal, such as puzzle games and snuffle mats. If your pet is unwell or recovering from surgery, always check with your vet, which activities are suitable for them!


Stick to a healthy diet

It may be tempting to spoil your beloved pet with treats to keep them happy indoors. But feeding them too much can lead to potential health problems. So, it’s best to stick to their usual diet.

When giving your pet treats, ensure it's no more than 10% of their daily food allowance. Adjust their meals accordingly to ensure they don’t gain weight.

If you do want to treat your pet without spoiling their diet, you can buy them a new toy or give them extra cuddles. Just remember not to overfeed your pet.


Stay stress-free

Now this might seem self-explanatory but it’s an important point to make. The best way to keep your pet happy indoors is to keep them relaxed. Pets thrive on routine, and sudden changes can be stressful. Maintaining consistent feeding times and playtime helps your furry friend feel secure.

Be sure to keep your house guests to a minimum during this time too, as a busy household might be too much for your pet. Ensure that your furry friend has a safe space they can go to, so they can escape all the chaos if needed.

If your pet remains stressed indoors, consider looking at calming and anxiety solutions. Or speak to your vet to see if there’s something else making your furry friend unhappy and stressed.

For a full guide on keeping indoor cats, read our guide here.

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