Weight loss in cats


  • Weight loss in cats is usually a sign of a problem.
  • Rapid weight loss is easy to spot but gradual weight loss can be tricky, especially if your cat is fluffy.
  • Weight loss can be caused by many different problems, ranging from minor to serious.
  • Always contact your vet if you think your cat has lost weight.

Why is my cat losing weight?

Weight loss can be caused by many different problems, such as:

Is my cat's weight ok?

To check your cat's weight you should weigh them and check their ‘body condition score

Weighing your cat at home

Your vet will weight your cat at their annual health check but if you want to weight them at home check out our video 'How to: weigh your cat a home'.

Body condition score 

Use our handy ‘body condition score’ chart below to help you decide if your cat is a healthy weight.

Other symptoms of weight loss

Rapid weight loss is often easy to spot, but slow weight loss is often much more difficult. If you suspect your cat is losing weight, keep an eye out for symptoms such as:

When to contact your vet

Always get in touch with your vet if you think your cat has lost weight.

Consider taking out cat insurance as soon as you bring your cat home, before any signs of illness start. This will give you peace of mind that you have some financial support if they ever become unwell.

Published: June 2020

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Written by vets and vet nurses. This advice is for UK pets only. Illustrations by Samantha Elmhurst.