Mouth pain in dogs


  • Does your dog have a painful mouth? Are they eating less? Shying away from their food? Have they lost weight?
  • There are many different problems that can cause mouth pain.
  • It’s important to check your dog’s mouth and teeth regularly.
  • Contact your vet as soon as you notice a problem with your dog’s mouth.

Symptoms of a painful mouth

If your dog has a painful mouth, you may notice the following symptoms:


  • Dental disease
  • Stomatitis (inflammation inside the mouth)
  • Wounds such as stick injuries
  • Burns (heat, chemical or electrical)
  • Lumps in the mouth
  • Jaw problems such as a jaw fracture and 'Westie jaw'
  • Mouth ulcers 
  • Something stuck in the mouth – such as a piece of bone or stick

When to contact your vet

Contact your vet as soon as you notice your dog is in pain, your vet will examine them fully to try and find the cause.

Consider insuring your dog as soon as you get them, before any signs of illness start. This will ensure you have all the support you need to care for them.

Published: June 2020

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Written by vets and vet nurses. This advice is for UK pets only. Illustrations by Samantha Elmhurst.