Dobermann breed information
Dobermanns are loyal and intelligent dogs who love to be active.
Dogue de Bordeaux breed information
Dogue de Bordeaux are laid-back dogs but can be a little hard to handle!
German Shepherd breed information
German Shepherds are loyal and intelligent dogs who love being active.
Golden Retriever breed information
Golden Retrievers are gentle, sociable dogs with lots of energy!
Great Dane breed information
Great Danes are big, playful dogs with personalities to match!
Hungarian Vizsla breed information
Hungarian Vizslas are active and sociable dogs who enjoy company.
Irish Wolfhound breed information
Irish Wolfhounds are very big dogs who need lots of space to lounge and play.
Neapolitan Mastiff
Neapolitan Mastiffs are loyal, devoted dogs that love family life.
Old English Sheepdog breed information
Old English Sheepdogs are gentle and loyal dogs who love to herd.
Rhodesian Ridgeback breed information
Ridgebacks are strong and active dogs who are real softies at heart.