Boo’s story
Tabby cat Boo was lucky to survive after the stress from fireworks caused a nearly fatal blockage in his bladder.
Hero dog Finn to receive the PDSA Gold Medal
PD Finn, who sustained near-fatal stab wounds while on duty, is to receive the PDSA Gold Medal
PTSD Assistance dog Jerry received the PDSA Order of Merit for helping to transform veterans’ lives.
Pancreatitis in dogs
Pancreatitis is a condition that causes the pancreas to becomes very inflamed. Pancreatitis can range from being mild to very severe.
Leuk – Posthumous Dickin Medal
French Navy Commando dog, Leuk, has been posthumously awarded the highest honour available for animals – the PDSA Dickin Medal – for his life-saving actions while on duty.
Dermatitis (red, inflamed, sore skin or a rash) in dogs
Has your dog got red, inflamed, angry looking skin? Or do they have a rash? We often call these symptoms ‘dermatitis’.
Dandruff in dogs
Dogs like to keep themselves clean, so if you notice your dog has dandruff (dry, flaky skin) it could be a sign of a problem.
Dandruff in cats
Cats spend a lot of time grooming to keep themselves clean. If you notice your cat has dandruff (dry, flaky skin) it could be a sign of a problem.
Dermatitis (red, inflamed, sore skin or a rash) in cats
Has your cat got red, inflamed or angry looking skin? Do they have a rash? We often call these symptoms ‘dermatitis’.
Vaccination reactions in pets
A vaccination, like any other medication, can sometimes cause side effects - fortunately, they are often mild and pass within a few days.