How to exercise your dog
Exercise is vital to all dogs; big or small; overweight, ideal weight or underweight. They rely on us to give them the exercise they need to stay healthy.
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What to pack on a walk with the dog
Dogs love to walk (some much more than others!). If you have an active pooch who loves to get out with you, there are a few things you’ll need to pack for them to make sure it’s fun for you both!
A monthly gift to PDSA will save lives
deserves a chance. As little as £2 a month will make a huge difference to pets like Odin.
Vet Q&A: Can cats drink milk?
It’s a popular myth that our cats need to drink milk. Our vets are de-bunking this and looking at what you should be giving your cat instead.
Why do dogs eat poo?
Unfortunately (for us!), many dogs enjoy the taste of poo, and eating it (coprophagia) is a very normal dog behaviour. Contrary to popular belief, if your dog eats poo, it’s unlikely to be because of a health problem or something missing from their diet.
Spanish Water Dog
Spanish Water Dogs are very friendly, loving dogs that get on well with other pets.
Exercise for dogs: our ultimate guide | PDSA
Read our expert advice on exercise for dogs, covering everything from how much exercise is needed to different ways to keep your dog fit. Written by PDSA vets.