Alfie's Story
Twelve-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Alfie, lives with heartbeat disease and requires heart medication to keep his condition stable.
PDSA Ethical Statement
PDSA Ethical Statement
Steroids for pets
Steroids are a group of medicines that help with a range of conditions in pets. They are most commonly used for reducing inflammation and managing the immune system.
Diarrhoea after a change of food
Some pets will struggle to digest a new food unless it’s introduced slowly into their normal diet – so, if your pet eats something they aren’t used to it may give them diarrhoea.
Barra posthumously received the PDSA Order of Merit for outstanding devotion to duty and service to society as a Search and Recovery dog across the UK between 2011 and 2022.
Giardia in dogs
Giardia is a very small parasite that attacks the lining of the guts and causes diarrhoea.
Your pet's 5 Welfare Needs
Learn more about what every pet owner must provide for their pet.
red inflamed eyes in rabbits
There are many different conditions that cause red, inflamed, sore eyes in rabbits; some are easily treated (such as eye infections), but others are harder to cure (such as dental disease)
Blue Monday? Millions of pets face an Unhappy Blue Year, says PDSA
Forget Blue Monday – millions of pets face a Blue Year unless their owners take steps to end their stress, obesity and loneliness.
The Family Pet Show Special Collaboration with PDSA Petsurance
The Family Pet Show is delighted to announce PDSA Petsurance as its new headline sponsor