Pet owners urged to keep animals safe as temperatures soar
Homemade summer treats to keep cats and dogs cool
As the weather starts warming up again, keeping your pet cool is really important (after all, they are wearing a fur coat). We’ve put together some easy homemade treats that will help keep your pet cool.
How to Tell if Your Pet has Dementia – and How You Can Help
Dementia affects as many as 800,000 people in the UK but did you know that pets can suffer from a very similar condition as they get older?
Dog saved after collapsing with deadly heatstroke
Pet owners warned to keep pets safe in the heat
Dog left extremely ill after contracting Lyme Disease from tick-bite
Lakeland Terrier cross Brad, from Somercotes, Derbyshire, became extremely ill after contracting suspected Lyme Disease from ticks on a hedgehog in his owners’ garden.
German Shepherd rushed to PDSA after eating tablets
German Shepherd, Milly, was rushed to our Oldbury Pet Hospital in the West Midlands after she ate some ibuprofen tablets that had fallen out of her owner’s pocket.
Coronavirus statement
The welfare of our pet patients, clients, volunteers and staff remains our main priority and focus and we are following government guidelines closely.
Rabbits endure a lifetime of lockdown isolation
While many of us may have struggled with isolation during lockdown, sadly hundreds of thousands of rabbits face a lifetime of endless isolation and loneliness says PDSA.
Basildon celebrates 20 years of helping local pets
Hip hip hooray, three cheers for the vets at Basildon’s PDSA Pet Hospital as it celebrates its 20th year of helping the town’s pets in need.
Coventry pupils experience vet life at PDSA
A group of schoolchildren from Coventry have had a taste of life as a vet thanks to a school trip to their local PDSA Pet Hospital.