Keeshonds are energetic and playful and are always keen to join in on games and adventure!
Miniature Schnauzer
Miniature Schnauzers are playful and inquisitive dogs.
English Setter breed information
English Setters are lively, happy, easygoing dogs that tend to get on well with everyone.
Norfolk Terrier
Norfolk Terriers are bold, curious, independent dogs.
Lakeland Terrier
Lakeland Terriers are very curious dogs that love nothing more than to be out exploring and investigating.
Manchester Terrier
Manchester Terriers are independent, sensitive dogs that are known to be devoted to their owners.
Papillons are very obedient and generally get along with everyone.
Parson Russell Terrier
Parson Russell Terriers are full of energy and require plenty of exercise.
Scottish Terrier
Scottish Terriers, or ‘Scotties’, are quite bold, determined dogs.
Giant Schnauzer
Giant Schnauzers are large dogs who require plenty of exercise – ideally more than 2 hours per day.