Staffie gets tongue trapped in tuna tin
Curious canine needs emergency treatment after getting tongue trapped in tuna tin.
Neapolitan Mastiff
Neapolitan Mastiffs are loyal, devoted dogs that love family life.
Myxomatosis in rabbits
Myxomatosis is a virus that causes severe disease and is usually fatal. It’s common in wild rabbits and spreads easily to pet rabbits.
Bowel Obstruction/Intestinal Blockage in cats
Cats don’t often eat things they shouldn’t, but occasionally curiosity gets the better of them and can lead to a blockage. String, thread, hair bands, rubber bands and tinsel are the most common items to cause a gut blockage in cats.
Reward based training
Reward- based training helps keep learning fun and stress-free for you and your dog.
Liverpool PDSA team take on biggest virtual dog walk
A devoted team of staff from our Huyton Pet Hospital are taking on the World Big Dog Walk by walking 874 miles in a month to raise vital funds for pets in need.
Dog laws for owners
There are lots of laws and legislation you need to be clued up on if you own a dog – read our list of some of the most important laws every owner should know.
How to stop cats jumping
Cats are curious animals who love to be up high because it can make them feel safer, which sometimes means they jump to places some people prefer they wouldn’t.
New puppy checklist
Getting a puppy can be exciting for every family, but there’s lots to think about and prepare for even before you decide on getting your puppy.
PDSA vets save a feline star
Help PDSA save more stars like Marley this Christmas