Old English Sheepdog breed information
Old English Sheepdogs are gentle and loyal dogs who love to herd.
Rottweiler breed information
Rottweilers are sweet but powerful dogs who can be easy to train.
Saint Bernard breed information
Saint Bernards are real gentle giants who need lots of space.
Samoyed breed information
Samoyeds are happy and super active dogs who are known for their smiles.
Tibetan Mastiff
Tibetan Mastiffs are known to be quite independent and strong-willed. They are devoted towards their owners, and because of this can be very protective.
Basset Hound breed information
Basset Hounds are gentle and caring dogs for the right family.
Pets in lets: Top tips for renting with pets
We’re undoubtedly a nation of pet lovers, with our 2022 PAW Report findings showing a whopping 52% of UK adults own a pet. Despite this, many tenants are still faced with the challenge of finding a home that will welcome their furry family members; in 2020, only 7% of landlords advertised their property as suitable for pets (GOV.UK). Finding it too difficult to secure pet-friendly accommodation, many pet owners are left with no choice but to give up their four-legged friends - a truly heart-breaking outcome.
PDSA Pet Insurance UK - Get a Pet Insurance Quote now
PDSA Pet Insurance – For your pet's life. Protect your pet with one of five policies, hand-picked by PDSA vets to offer great cover and peace of mind.
Five signs you’re a pet dad
With Father’s Day around the corner, we’re celebrating all the pet dads out there who have stopped trying to convince themselves their four-legged friend is ‘just a pet’!
Hair loss (alopecia) in rabbits
Fur loss (alopecia) in rabbits usually appears in patches and depending on the cause often comes with a variation of other symptoms.