Preparing your pet for an operation
It doesn't matter if it's a routine neutering or complicated knee surgery – knowing your pet needs an operation can be an upsetting and stressful time for anyone.
Toxic choc: Precious pooch needs life-saving treatment after devouring chocolate treat
Lakeland Terrier needs emergency treatment from PDSA after eating Easter chocolates
Greedy Dalmatian saved thanks to PDSA
A greedy Dalmatian was left needing emergency vet treatment from PDSA after gorging on buns, chocolate and 36 dog chews while her owner was out.
Doberman saved by PDSA after suffering near fatal twisted stomatch
A Doberman puppy nearly died after developing a twisted stomach, also known as GDV (Gastric Dilation-Volvulus).
Should I breed from my pet?
Read our vet's advice on whether or not you should breed from your pet.
Plunge in vaccinations is ticking time bomb for UK pets
Over 7 million pets at risk of suffering and disease through lack of vaccination, latest PAW Report finds
PDSA is keeping over 30,000 pets’ hearts beating this Valentine’s Day
Every year vet charity PDSA cares for over 30,000 pets suffering from heart disease.
Eight million pets suffer fireworks misery
Vet charity PDSA is urging pet owners to take action now to prevent millions of pets suffering from extreme distress and trauma triggered by fireworks.
How can I tell if my pet still has a good quality of life?
All pet owners want their companion to have a good life. As your pet gets older, or if they’re diagnosed with a serious illness, you may worry that they’re suffering and have more bad days than good.
Firework fear: experts urge pet owners to start preparing their furry friends for New Year’s Eve
Vet charity PDSA is urging owners to take preventive action in a bid to reduce the extreme distress and suffering that fireworks can cause for many of our four-legged friends.