Brucellosis in Dogs
Find out more about Brucella canis in dogs including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and the risk of spread to humans. A comprehensive guide from PDSA vets.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) in Dogs
Our vets give their advice on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) in dogs, including the symptoms to look out for and how BPH is treated in dogs.
Road traffic accidents (RTA)
If your pet had been involved in a road traffic accident, take them to a vet straight away. Read our advice on the best way to care for them.
Heatstroke in dogs
Heatstroke is sadly a common problem in dogs during the summer – even in the UK! Heatstroke can cause organ failure and death if it isn’t treated in time.
Pyometra (infected womb) in dogs
A pyometra is a womb infection – a very serious condition, common in unneutered, female dogs. Treatment for a pyometra includes emergency surgery to remove the womb, a fluid drip and medication.
Mammary (breast) problems in dogs
Mammary (breast) problems are most common in female dogs that haven’t been speyed.
Dogs in heat/Dogs coming into season
A heat (or season) is when a female dog is fertile and can become pregnant. During a heat, it’s likely that your dog will behave differently, bleed from her vulva, and become very interested in male dogs.
Demodex mites in dogs
Demodex causes red, crusty skin, hair loss and a scaly coat, worst around the eyes and feet. Demodex is normally quite simple to diagnose but treatment can be challenging.
Diabetes in dogs
A dog with diabetes can't control their blood sugar levels (much like type 1 diabetes in people) and require lifelong treatment.
Idiopathic Epilepsy in Dogs
Idiopathic epilepsy is the most common cause of repeated seizures in dogs. It’s important to have your dog checked by your vet if they have a seizure, even if they have recovered well.