PDSA vets save dog from killer parasite
A Staffordshire Bull Terrier from Bristol has been receiving long-term treatment from PDSA vets after contracting chronic lungworm.
Over 7 million UK pets suffer fireworks terror
PDSA urges owners to take action to keep pets safe and stress-free
The ideal home for your ferret
Advice on the type of enclosure your ferrets need and how to give them a cosy nest box to sleep in.
How to help an older pet settle in at home
Bringing a new pet home can be overwhelming for them – read our tips to help them settle and adapt.
Guinea pigs as pets
Considering a guinea pig as a pet? Learn about their lifespan, sleeping habits, ideal diet , how much space they need, how to handle them, and common health issues.
What to expect on your first day (and night) with a new puppy
Our vets give their top tips on taking care of your puppy for their first day (and night!) at home. Here's what to expect and how to help them settle.
Flat-faced breeds: what you need to know
Dogs like these have become really popular but there hasn’t always awareness of the health problems they can have.
Bowel Obstruction/Intestinal Blockage in cats
Cats don’t often eat things they shouldn’t, but occasionally curiosity gets the better of them and can lead to a blockage. String, thread, hair bands, rubber bands and tinsel are the most common items to cause a gut blockage in cats.
First police dog on scene of Manchester Arena attack to be honoured
The British Transport Police Dog who was first on the scene following the devastating terror attack on Manchester Arena, is to be honoured by leading vet charity PDSA
'Animal OBE' for devoted Service Dog
Pal has been awarded the PDSA Order of Merit for his outstanding devotion to his owner