Hypothyroidism in dogs
Hypothyroidism is a lack of thyroid hormones due to underactive thyroid glands. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include weight gain, low energy, and fur loss (alopecia).
Head shaking in cats
Has your cat been shaking his/her head more than usual? Head shaking shouldn’t be ignored because it can indicate many different problems, usually related to the ears.
Dry eye in dogs
Dry eye is a condition that stops your dog producing tears and causes dry, painful eyes.
Stained fur (saliva staining) in dogs
Has your dog developed brown, pink or orange patches of fur? On their feet? Around their mouth or eyes? In an area that they lick a lot?
Reduced Appetite in a Rabbit
If your rabbit is eating less or nothing at all this is a very serious problem that needs immediate veterinary attention.
Fleas on cats
Fleas live on cats, dogs and in your home. They are much more common in the summer months (April - September).
Arthritis in cats
Arthritis (osteoarthritis) is a very common condition that causes painful, swollen joints and makes moving around uncomfortable.
Coughing in Dogs
There are many different causes of coughing in dogs – some mild and some more serious.
Insect bites and stings in dogs
Dogs are most often stung around their face or on their paws. Most stings can be managed at home as long as the signs are mild.
Problems peeing in cats
There are many different medical conditions that can cause cats to have trouble peeing but issues such as stress are also very common.