Vomiting in cats
Most cases of vomiting in cats will improve with minimal treatment but sometimes vomiting can be a sign of something more serious.
Loss of balance in dogs
Loss of balance can be caused by many different problems. Balance and coordination are controlled by the inner ear and brain, problems with either of these areas could cause balance issues.
Hair loss (alopecia) in rabbits
Fur loss (alopecia) in rabbits usually appears in patches and depending on the cause often comes with a variation of other symptoms.
Rabies in dogs
Rabies is a deadly virus that can spread between animals and people
Leptospirosis in dogs
Learn about leptospirosis in dogs, what symptoms to look out for, how it gets diagnosed, treated and how to help prevent it. Written by PDSA vets.
Flea Allergic Dermatitis in cats
Fleas are an everyday hazard of owning pets, regular flea treatment is essential to keep our pets (and homes) flea-free.
Chocolate poisoning in dogs
Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine, which is perfectly safe for humans, but toxic for dogs, cats and rabbits.
Fleas on dogs
Fleas are tiny insects that live on dogs, cats and in your home. They are much more common in the summer months (April - September).
Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID’s) are a group of medicines used to fight inflammation. They reduce high temperatures, heat, swelling and pain.
Conjunctivitis in cats
Conjunctivitis happens when the conjunctiva becomes inflamed and cases red, itchy, painful and weepy eyes.