Help pets avoid a Blue Monday
UK pets are suffering from preventable issues, due to lack of understanding of their basic needs.
Preparing your pet for an operation
It doesn't matter if it's a routine neutering or complicated knee surgery – knowing your pet needs an operation can be an upsetting and stressful time for anyone.
Sheffield cat loses one of his nine lives after horrific car accident
A cat who suffered life-threatening injuries when hit by a car has made a miraculous recovery, thanks to vet charity PDSA.
PAW Report a decade on – the UK’s largest pet wellbeing survey marks milestone year
PDSA warns of worrying rise in obesity and deepening behavioural problems in the face of Covid-19.
PDSA reunite chatty cat, Boo, with her owners after SEVEN long years apart
Thanks to the dedication of the Bradford PDSA Pet Hospital team, Boo was reunited with her owner, Angie, seven years after she went missing.
Cat who cheated death enters PDSA Pet Survivor
A miracle cat who survived being impaled on railings has now been entered into the PDSA Pet Survivor awards, which recognise pets who have pulled through life-threatening incidents against all the odds.
Euthanasia/putting your pet to sleep - advice video
Deciding to put your pet to sleep is one of the hardest decisions you will make as a pet owner. Watch our video where PDSA vet Fran answers your questions on how to know if it's the right thing to do.
Cat Microchipping
A microchip is a tiny identification device that contains a unique number linking a pet to their owner.
'Pet poverty' crisis as owners forced into economic hardship
PDSA predicts that there will be as many as 50,000 more pets eligible for its services over the months ahead as a direct result of the pandemic.
How To Put A Cone Collar On Your Dog
Recovery cones are an excellent short-term way to stop your dog from licking themselves after surgery, or if they have a sore spot.