A 62-year-old nan from Newport has raised £2,000 for leading vet charity, PDSA, in memory of her dog, who was sadly put to sleep last year.
A 62-year-old nan from Newport has raised £2,000 for leading vet charity, PDSA, in memory of her dog, who was sadly put to sleep last year.
Feeling glum? You’re not the only one
Millions of UK pets face loneliness, warns vet charity PDSA
PAW Survey 2020
Vet professionals urged to have their say on pet wellbeing
Lucky break
A playful puppy had a lucky break when PDSA vets came to the rescue after it wolfed down a set of snooker balls.
Sponge dog’s second chance
A Shih Tzu had his life saved by vet charity PDSA after swallowing a whole kitchen sponge, complete with scouring pad.
Darlington ‘dog mum’ signs up to London Marathon
An office manager who ‘hates running’ is going the extra mile for pets in need after signing up to this year’s TCS London Marathon.
Aberdeen dog disappears after firework fright
Bobby, a Border Collie from Sheddocksley in Aberdeen, ended up missing for over 24 hours after being spooked by fireworks when out walking.
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PDSA and other animal welfare charities urge government to protect animals
PDSA is joining forces with 49 other animal welfare charities to urge government to protect animals with new animal health and welfare strategy, Act Now for Animals.
PDSA urges animal lovers to support their vital work
Sick and injured pets still need life-saving care during the pandemic, says veterinary charity, PDSA