West Highland White Terrier breed information
Westies are loving dogs who can make great family pets.
PAW Survey 2020
Vet professionals urged to have their say on pet wellbeing
Akita breed information
Akitas are strong dogs who are loyal and protective of their family.
Australian Shepherd breed information
Australian Shepherds are very active, clever dogs with loads of energy.
French Bulldog breed information
Frenchies are fun-loving dogs who enjoy being around people.
Golden Retriever breed information
Golden Retrievers are gentle, sociable dogs with lots of energy!
Rhodesian Ridgeback breed information
Ridgebacks are strong and active dogs who are real softies at heart.
Rabbit Vaccines
Vaccination is an important way of protecting your rabbits against some serious diseases. Read our vet's advice on rabbit vaccinations and how they work.
Hand rearing puppies
Hand rearing puppies can be very rewarding, but is a big commitment. Hand rearing involves keeping your puppies warm, regular feeding, toileting, cleaning, health monitoring and socialisation.
Guinea pig health
Advice on how tip keep your guinea pigs health tip-top.