Microchipping Your Dog
A microchip is a tiny identification device that contains a unique number linking a pet to their owner.
Pup nearly dies after wolfing down 24 chocolates
PDSA vets save four-month-old Doberman puppy after he ate toxic chocolates in advent calendar.
First aid for insect stings
Insect stings are common in pets, especially in dogs. Stings are not a major problem for most pets, but some pets (just like humans) will develop an allergic reaction.
Cat Microchipping
A microchip is a tiny identification device that contains a unique number linking a pet to their owner.
Keeping indoor rabbits
We've put together our vets' tips to make sure yours can have safe and active lives.
Choosing the right cage or enclosure for small pets
Advice on creating the right home and environment for your small pets.
First aid for heatstroke
Heatstroke is a life-threatening emergency. Common signs including panting, trouble breathing and collapse/fainting. It is important to get help from a vet ASAP.
How often should you groom your pet?
When – and how – to groom your pet can often be tricky to work out. Even within the same species, different breeds need different things, it can be hard to know what to do to.
Millions of pets at risk of flea misery
Huge rise in number of pets left exposed to harmful parasites
Hypothermia in Pets
Read our vets' advice on hypothermia in pets, including causes, symptoms, and treatments.