Tear staining in dogs
Tear staining is brown, pink or red staining that runs from the corner of the eyes. It’s a very common problem, especially in white coated breeds.
Loss of balance in dogs
Loss of balance can be caused by many different problems. Balance and coordination are controlled by the inner ear and brain, problems with either of these areas could cause balance issues.
Diarrhoea in cats
There are many conditions that cause diarrhoea in cats, ranging from minor to serious. Mild cases of diarrhoea usually pass within 24 hours.
Vaccination reactions in pets
A vaccination, like any other medication, can sometimes cause side effects - fortunately, they are often mild and pass within a few days.
Ear problems in cats
Ear problems can be very painful, and should always been checked by a vet. There are many different problems that can affect any one of the three main sections of a cat’s ear.
Chocolate poisoning in dogs
Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine, which is perfectly safe for humans, but toxic for dogs, cats and rabbits.
Fly strike in rabbits
Fly strike happens when a fly lays its eggs on a rabbit’s fur which hatch into maggots and burrow under the skin to feed on flesh.
Itchy ears and head shaking in dogs
Has your dog been shaking his/her head more than usual? Head shaking shouldn’t be ignored because it can indicate many different problems, usually related to the ears.
Head shaking in cats
Has your cat been shaking his/her head more than usual? Head shaking shouldn’t be ignored because it can indicate many different problems, usually related to the ears.
How To Give Your Cat A Pill
Most cats don’t like being given medication, so it will be much easier for you, and significantly less stressful for your cat if you have a tabletting technique you are confident with.