Kirkdale PDSA Pet Hospital receives new £10,000 X-ray machine

03 May 2017

The high-tech piece of equipment is now in use at the hospital in Celia Street, Liverpool, thanks to funding support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

The modern X-ray machine processor includes a 24 inch monitor providing clear digital images, helping vets to make accurate diagnoses on everything from broken bones to pets who have swallowed strange objects.

Lisa Williams, PDSA Head Nurse, said it was already providing a huge boost for both staff and sick and injured pets.

She said: “Our old X-ray machine was nine-years-old and one of the first digital machines across any of the PDSA Pet Hospitals. However, it was becoming increasingly unreliable and was very out-of-date.

“We were desperate for a new machine so we’re absolutely delighted to have received funding from players of People’s Postcode Lottery, it’s already making a massive difference.

“We use the X-ray machine multiple times every day and it’s one of the most important pieces of equipment in the Pet Hospital. We can use it for everything from checking for broken bones to looking for abdominal tumours and investigating problems with the chest and heart.”

Get more information about the support players of People’s Postcode Lottery are providing to PDSA.