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Eye removal (enucleation) in cats
Removing an eye is usually a last resort, but is necessary in some circumstances. Your vet may advise removing an eye if it’s been badly damaged, is causing unmanageable pain, is affected by an untreatable condition, or contains a tumour.
Weepy eyes in cats
A little bit of crusting in the corner of the eyes is normal but if you notice more than usual it could be a sign of a problem in cats.
Conjunctivitis in cats
Conjunctivitis happens when the conjunctiva becomes inflamed and cases red, itchy, painful and weepy eyes.
Blindness in cats
Surprisingly, it’s not always easy to tell if your cat is going blind. There are many possible causes – some cause sudden blindness, some cause gradual blindness, some are treatable, some are not.
Painful eye/eye held closed in cats
Has your cat been blinking excessively, holding an eye shut, or showing other signs of eye pain? There are many conditions that can cause painful eye(s), some more serious than others.