Your search results for "first aid"
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Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD)
RHD is also known as VHD, RVHD or ‘Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease’. RHD is caused by a virus, it causes severe symptoms and often death.
Steroids for pets
Steroids are a group of medicines that help with a range of conditions in pets. They are most commonly used for reducing inflammation and managing the immune system.
Antibiotics for pets
Antibiotics treat infections caused by bacteria. They don’t help with infections caused by other bugs such as viruses.
How To Remove a Tick From A Dog Or Cat
It’s important to remove ticks carefully, and with the right equipment, so no part of it gets left behind.
Vaccination reactions in pets
A vaccination, like any other medication, can sometimes cause side effects - fortunately, they are often mild and pass within a few days.