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Eye removal (enucleation) in cats
Removing an eye is usually a last resort, but is necessary in some circumstances. Your vet may advise removing an eye if it’s been badly damaged, is causing unmanageable pain, is affected by an untreatable condition, or contains a tumour.
Blindness in dogs
Depending on the cause, blindness can develop very suddenly, or very gradually. Most dogs are very good at adapting to gradual blindness and it can be surprisingly difficult to notice. Sudden blindness is much more obvious.
Enucleation - eye removal in dogs
Removing an eye is usually a last resort, but is necessary in some circumstances. Your vet may advise removing an eye if it’s been badly damaged, is causing pain or is affected by an untreatable condition.
Glaucoma in dogs
Glaucoma (high pressure inside the eye) is a very painful condition that often causes blindness, especially if it’s left untreated.
Entropion in dogs
Entropion is when an eyelid rolls in towards the eyeball, causing fur and eyelashes to rub the surface of the eye. It is very painful and often leads to problems such as conjunctivitis, infections and ulcers.