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Mammary (breast) problems in dogs
Mammary (breast) problems are most common in female dogs that haven’t been speyed.
Parvovirus in dogs
Parvovirus (parvo) is a nasty virus that causes causes severe diarrhoea, vomiting and illness in dogs and puppies.
Food allergy in cats
Just like people, cats can develop allergies to certain ingredients in their food. This often causes skin and tummy problems.
Probiotics for dogs and cats
Probiotics are friendly bacteria which can be used to ‘top up’ the natural bacteria in your dog’s gut. They can help your dog recover from stomach upsets or longer-term conditions like Colitis.
My dog has eaten something harmful
Curious dogs can get their paws on all sorts of things - food, bones, rubber toys, stones. Here's what to do if you think your dog has eaten something that might be harmful.