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Probiotics for dogs and cats
Probiotics are friendly bacteria which can be used to ‘top up’ the natural bacteria in your dog’s gut. They can help your dog recover from stomach upsets or longer-term conditions like Colitis.
Hand rearing puppies
Hand rearing puppies can be very rewarding, but is a big commitment. Hand rearing involves keeping your puppies warm, regular feeding, toileting, cleaning, health monitoring and socialisation.
How to conduct a food trial: Dog
If your dog has a skin allergy, diarrhoea or symptoms of IBD your vet might ask you to carry out a food trial at home in case their symptoms are triggered by something in their food.
Worms in dogs
Worms are a very common problem and most pet dogs will catch them at some point in their life. Intestinal worms live in the guts, eat your pet’s food and cause damage to the gut lining.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) in Dogs
Our vets give their advice on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) in dogs, including the symptoms to look out for and how BPH is treated in dogs.