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Itchy skin in cats
Scratching is normal for cats, but sometimes they can seem a bit itchier than normal and may need to see a vet.
Itchy skin in dogs
Scratching is common in all dogs, however there are many reasons they may have itchier skin than usual.
Mange (sarcoptes mite) in dogs
Mange is a skin condition caused by a mite called ‘Sarcoptes’. Mange is highly contagious, often caught by contact with an infected dog or fox.
Stained fur (saliva staining) in dogs
Has your dog developed brown, pink or orange patches of fur? On their feet? Around their mouth or eyes? In an area that they lick a lot?
Severe allergic reactions in cats
Cats can have allergic reactions just like people. Common triggers include insect stings, plants and medications (including vaccinations).