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How To Remove a Tick From A Dog Or Cat
It’s important to remove ticks carefully, and with the right equipment, so no part of it gets left behind.
Humping Behaviour in Dogs
Mounting and humping is normal for both male and female dogs, and occurs for a number of reasons (not always sexual). Distracting your dog, teaching them appropriate behaviour and neutering can help prevent humping.
Why is my dog drinking lots of water and weeing more than usual?
Find out why your dog might be drinking lots and weeing more than normal and when to contact your vet for advice. A complete guide written by PDSA vets.
IVDD/slipped disc in dogs
Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is a condition that causes the intervertebral discs (cushions between the backbones) to lose their sponginess, become hard and fragile, and sometimes slip out of place.
Lyme disease in dogs
Lyme disease is an illness spread by ticks. It’s caused by a bacteria that is spread when a tick attaches to your pet. It can cause a variety of vague symptoms.