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Cat flu
Cat flu has similar symptoms to human flu and can make your cat feel very unwell.
Cat flu in kittens
Cat flu is an illness that causes symptoms similar to human flu. It’s important to contact your vet for advice if your kitten develops any symptoms of cat flu, even if they are mild.
Cherry eye in dogs
‘Cherry eye’ is a condition in which the gland that produces tears in dogs pops out and sits in in the corner of the eye.
Conjunctivitis in cats
Conjunctivitis happens when the conjunctiva becomes inflamed and cases red, itchy, painful and weepy eyes.
Conjunctivitis in dogs
Conjunctivitis is a symptom not a condition. It means inflammation (swelling) of the ‘conjunctiva’. Conjunctivitis can be caused by many different conditions but nearly always causes red, itchy, weepy eyes.