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Cat bite abscesses
A cat’s claws and teeth are covered in bacteria, if they bite or scratch each other it’s very likely that an infection will develop.
Flea Allergic Dermatitis in cats
Fleas are an everyday hazard of owning pets, regular flea treatment is essential to keep our pets (and homes) flea-free.
Hair loss (alopecia) in cats
Alopecia develops in one of two ways, your cat pulls their own hair out or the hair drops out. Common causes of hair loss in cats include fleas, stress and allergies.
Road traffic accidents (RTA)
If your pet had been involved in a road traffic accident, take them to a vet straight away. Read our advice on the best way to care for them.
Skin allergies (atopic dermatitis) in cats
Atopic dermatitis (atopy) is a skin problem caused by an allergy to something in the environment (such as pollen, moulds, grass or dust mite).