Preventing fleas in dogs, cats and rabbits


  • Fleas are tiny insects that can live on dogs, cats, rabbits and in your home.
  • The main symptom of fleas is itchy skin. You may also notice your pet developing sore or infected skin, bald patches, and specks of black flea dirt in their coat. Pets with an allergy to flea bites often experience severe irritation.
  • If your pet has fleas, you'll need to treat them, any other dogs, cats, and rabbits in your home, as well as your home itself.
  • It's important to use safe and effective flea products. Our vets have compiled detailed information for each species.

Species specific advice

Treating fleas is slightly different for dogs, cats and rabbits, so our vets have created species specific information – click on the appropriate icon below to read more.

Published: July 2024

Written by vets and vet nurses. This advice is for UK pets only. Illustrations by Samantha Elmhurst.