Online Registration Request

Before we can register you as a PDSA client, we need you to upload copies of your benefit documents and Photo ID so we can confirm you are eligible for our charity services.  

Benefit documents you can use to register for our FREE service are: 

  • Universal credit with housing element 
  • Housing benefit (means-tested help with your rent) 
  • Council tax support/reduction scheme (means-tested help with your council tax liability) 

Benefit documents you can use to register for our LOW COST service are: 

  • Universal credit (without housing element) 
  • Child tax and working tax credits 
  • Pension credit 
  • Income support 
  • Job seekers allowance 
  • ESA – (Income Based Only) Employment Support Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) / Personal Independence Payment (PIP) / Adult Disability Payment (ADP)
  • State retired pensioners who are householders in council tax bands A-D 

PHOTO ID documents you can use to register are: 

  • Driving license 
  • Passport 
  • Bus pass 

PDSA will delete your documents and images once your registration is completed. 

Your age

Tell us about you

(please select one)

Your details

The details you give here must match those on your benefits documents.

Your pet's details

You can only register one pet using this form.

Please enter a Microchip number starting with the number 9, this is a 10 to 16-digit number, if you do not know this, please leave this field blank.
Calculate Age

Upload your benefit documents

Please upload a clear picture of your benefit documents.

You can upload more than one document - just upload one, then upload the next

From the benefit(s) you have selected, you've told us that you're only eligible for low-cost services. If this is correct, please tick the box below to confirm you understand and agree that you will be charged for PDSA veterinary services at a reduced rate.

If you're eligible for free services, please go back and upload a benefit in the free service category, such as housing benefit, council tax benefit or Universal Credit with housing element.

Upload your Photo ID

Recent photograph

We also need you to upload a recent, clear photograph or ID image of yourself.

Please upload a clear passport-style photograph of your head and shoulders below. You can upload a photo of yourself from a smartphone.

Please note: We will use the picture you upload to verify your ID against the ID document you have uploaded above.

Protecting your personal data

PDSA will never exchange or sell your information to another organisation for their own marketing purposes. PDSA would like to use your personal data to contact you about our work with sick and injured animals and to help us raise vital funds (Read more).

If you’re happy to receive marketing and fundraising information in any of the following ways please check the relevant boxes.

Please refer to our full privacy policy for more details.