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We have teamed up with the National Free Wills Network to offer you a free Will writing scheme. The scheme lets our supporters (aged 50 and over) to have their Will written for free, using a qualified solicitor local to you. Fill out the form above and we will securely pass your details to the National Free Will Network. Once the National Free Wills Network have received your data they will only use it for the purposes of sending your requested referral information pack with details of between 2 and 6 local firms participating in the scheme for you to choose from. You are to contact the solicitors named in the pack directly to take up the offer.

Terms and Conditions of the Free Wills Writing Offer apply.

Protecting your personal data

PDSA will never exchange or sell your information to another organisation for their own marketing purposes. PDSA would like to use your personal data to contact you about our work with sick and injured animals and to help us raise vital funds (Read more).

If you’re happy to receive marketing and fundraising information in any of the following ways please check the relevant boxes.

Please refer to our full privacy policy for more details.

Having a Will, and keeping it up-to-date means that your wishes will be carried out as you would want when the time comes, and that’s so very important. That's why PDSA, the UK's leading veterinary charity, are happy to cover the cost of writing or updating a simple Will for you.

There's no obligation for you to include a gift in your Will to PDSA; however, we hope that you will use the opportunity to let your love of pets live on. By leaving a gift in your Will, you are helping us continue providing veterinary care for the sick and injured pets of people who otherwise couldn't afford it. In many cases, you will be saving pets’ lives.

An up-to-date Will ensures that the things you hold dear are passed to the people you love and the causes you believe in. It will greatly relieve the pressure and stress on those left behind, knowing exactly what your wishes are.


Making a Will gives you complete peace of mind. The last thing any of us want is for our loved ones to have to deal with stressful issues because we didn't make a Will or perhaps, left it too late to update an existing one.


If you don't have a Will the choice of how your estate passes on is taken away and becomes more complicated for your loved ones as, the 'law of intestacy', will decide what happens to your property and possessions.


Quite simply, no Will means no choice for you or your family. Writing a Will doesn’t have to be difficult, and by using our free Will writing service we support you by covering the cost.

As the UK's leading veterinary charity, PDSA believes everyone, no matter what their circumstances, has the right to experience the love and companionship of a pet. And every pet deserves to lead a happy and healthy life.


Every year our veterinary teams treat hundreds of thousands of pets whose owners are facing challenges such as poor health, unemployment and disability, leaving them unable to afford their care. Like our founder Maria Dickin, we believe an owner’s financial circumstances should not prevent pets getting the veterinary care they need. That’s why pets in need, need us.


We've been helping pets for over 100 years, and currently, we run 48 UK Pet Hospitals. As a charity we rely on the generous support of people, like you, to help fund vital services for sick and injured pets: providing treatment, pet welfare education and preventing illness. In fact, 2 out of 3 treatments that we provide are funded by gifts in Wills and that’s why your help and kindness is so important to us and the pets that we treat. Without this vital source of income, we simply couldn't help so many pets.


After providing for your friends and family, why not let your love of pets live on and include a gift in your Will to PDSA. There’s no obligation to leave a gift, and you can still have a simple Will written for free, but it would make a big difference to the future of thousands of pets across the UK.

How it works

  1. Fill in the form above
  2. Our partner will send you a pack with the details of local solicitors in your area
  3. Complete the yellow form in the pack and decide how you'd like to support PDSA in your will (you are under no obligation to do so)
  4. Book an appointment with a local solicitor.

*Terms and conditions apply