Maks in early 2020

Maks in early 2020

In memory of


2004 - 2022


A tribute to the best and most loving cat in the world.

Born in September of 2004, as a kitten he was left to die by his mam's horrible owners. Fortunately he was rescued and found his way into our home as well as our hearts.
He migrated with us from one country to another and made our lives so much more beautiful, eventful, warm, annoying, and entertaining for almost two decades.
Maks also survived some operations and continued to be extremely healthy for his age, up until his kidneys and finally eyesight began to deteriorate.
He passed away peacefully in his sleep after experiencing over 18 years of the incredible journey that was his life.
We have been through so much with him that life without him seems surreal now.

Tesknimy, kocie.

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