Aunt Katherine (right) with her sister and my daughter 1992
In memory of
Katherine Melton
1924 - 2022
I lost a loving and caring aunt on 2 April 2022. Thankfully she had had a long and happy life. One of her great joys was having several much loved pets throughout her life: from the numerous cats and dogs of her childhood in rural Mississippi, USA to her last much beloved cat, Socks. She also delighted in hearing about all the pets of her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and her nieces and nephews. Despite my infrequent visits during my early and middle adulthood, she was always welcoming and would treat me by cooking my favourites: spaghetti and pecan pie. I was fortunate to be able to visit more often the past 20 years and to enjoy our phone calls. Despite frail physical health the past few years, she continued to bless us with her sharp mind and her clear memories of people and events that we had forgotten ourselves. I will miss her.
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